Generators provide electrical power and you can hire yours from Four Jays Group for your next event.
You may require a generator to supplement your own household supply or you may need power in the middle of the field. Rest assured that can recommend the optimal electrical solution to match your requirements.
We have a range of sizes of generators that are suitable for all types of events.
It is important to check what electrical supply is required for all of your services. If you are aware of what volume of power will be required overall then we can advise on the appropriate size of the generator.
Power volumes are as follows:
100 KVA Super Silenced Diesel
40 KVA Super Silenced Diesel
30 KVA Super Silenced Diesel
25 KVA Super Silenced Diesel
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If you have any further questions regarding this product contact us today by phone: 01622 843135 or email All prices are subject to a delivery and collection charge and VAT.
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